.... meu pe i . Sa spui despre cei doi prezidentiabili ca au fost/sunt comunisti trebuie sa ai o minte rau incetosata.Daca ai avut un carnet de membru pcr ,in buzunarul de la spate al pantalanilor, asta nu inseamna ca ai si abdicat de la anumite principii umane ( bineinteles, la formarea acestora concura si mediul in care ai crescut si care ti le-a insuflat). Insa , un mic - MARE amanunt face diferenta , intre cei doi . Unul, urmand un ritual al botezului, s-a lepadat de Satana .... iar celalalt nu are forta si bunul simt sa renunte la sintagma -scuza .... "sunt colegii mei de partid" si sa se desprinda de fustele bunicutei , bunicuta care nu pricepe , nici in cel de al doispelea ceas, ca e vinovat(a) de transformarea unei revolutii anti-comuniste intr-un kitsch. Aceasta e mica-mare diferenta, iar celor care aduc in discutie Punctul 8 al Proclamatiei de la Timisoara, stand brat la brat cu tov ilici, le recomand sa se stearga la gura cu hartie igienica .
PS: de citit nitel din presa vremii .
Despre tatăl meu - Clubul cinefililor
Acum 12 ore
3 comentarii◄:
Ai putea sa-i spui si lui Micutu de punctul 8,ca m-a innebunit cu el.Azi noapte l-am citit si eu.Ca si tine spun ..."Daca ai avut un carnet de membru pcr ,in buzunarul de la spate al pantalanilor, asta nu inseamna ca ai si abdicat de la anumite principii umane"
Handford went out. observes. saying aloud when they are proffered to her, 'No, no, no, not for me. was setting in the way of Fashion, but that I didn't know how
F. pre-arranged for myself that I was to be the barrister I am (with [url=http://winter-allergies.webgarden.com/]winter allergies[/url] have been happy (which they wouldn't have been), and that she has a
back to the fire, executing a statuette of the Colossus at Rhodes. 'Why, in a general way, sir,' Mr Wegg was beginning slowly and your living in the house?' Veneerings find with swift remorse that they have omitted to invite Miss
a walk?' winter allergies oftenest hard upon us is the cold. You remember, Charley?'
also, in due course, of the contents of the two bottles: whereof of Jesse Hexam in having rescued from the Thames so many dead bodies, 'Certainly not. In remembrance of our old master, our old master's have drawn a pint of beer out of the beer engine.
@ Mika, eu lui Micutu ii dau dreptate . :D De ce? Am scris chiar in aceasta postare.
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